The 4th Professional Service Marketing Asia Roundtable 2024 concluded successfully on June 20th in Singapore. This time, we focused on the topic "Growth Marketing Best Practice on Conversion Matrix".
Mr. Gordon Tsu, CEO of ConsignIndex, shared insights on growth marketing, addressing the following questions:
- How clients find you
- How clients learn more about you
- How to join sales selling key process from client journey
- From brand governance to content dissemination
- How to build a decentralized content strategy
- How to let 'team' as new organization with neo agile marketing approach
跨盈指数CEO Gordon Tsu 先生围绕增长营销分享了以下问题:
- 客户如何找到你
- 客户如何深入了解你
- 如何在客户旅程中融入关键销售过程
- 从品牌治理到内容传播
- 如何建立去中心化的内容策略
- 如何让“team”做为新敏捷营销触达的新型组织团队
In the era of growth marketing, growth comes from both new acquisitions and existing customers. Marketers are faced with the challenges of exploring new markets and deeply tapping into existing ones. Conversion equals Content multiplied by Traffic. Based on the dimensions of content and traffic, we have constructed a fundamental conversion matrix. At the same time, facing four different types of market segments, we have built growth paths differently: from martech, content syndication campaigns, KOL IP, to targeted marketing approaches. Gordon shared updated case studies primarily in localized marketing based on four fundamental de-segments. We also provide more hands-on featured solution alternatives for sharing and discussion.
在增长营销时代,增长既来自增量客户,也来自存量客户。营销人员面临着开拓新市场和深入挖掘现有市场的双重挑战。线索转化=内容 x 流量。基于内容和流量的维度,我们构建了基本的转化矩阵,针对四种不同的市场细分,构建了不同的增长路径:从营销科技、内容联合推广、KOL IP到精准营销。Gordon分享了基于中国本地化营销的最新案例研究,并提供更多实操特色解决方案以供分享和讨论。
Gordon Tsu introduced a groundbreaking performance marketing framework that integrates marketing technology solutions, WeChat private traffic management, influencer and IP partnerships, database marketing, and strategic consulting. He delved into advanced methodologies of Lead Generation 4.0, emphasizing the transition from Marketing Qualified Leads (MQL) to Sales Accepted Leads (SAL), and explored the intricacies of lead generation, nurturing, conversion, and routing within an integrated digital ecosystem. Additionally, he showcased tangible results and strategic insights through a case study on a content syndication campaign.
Gordon 介绍了一套颠覆性的以结果为导向的整合营销方案,市场芯计划 是一个基于内容联合推广的数字化增长营销全案,其中融合了IP影响者营销,自动化技术 以及不同垂类自媒体数据库会员资源,集线索商机挖掘和孵化为一体的确保结果的项目服务解决方案。他深入探讨了Lead Generation 4.0阶段如何把线索从MQL转化为SAL,包括客户挖掘、培育、转化的数字化旅程。同时,他也分享了以往内容联合推广活动的案例研究和实际成果。
跨盈指数(上海跨盈信息技术有限公司)成立于2011年,是一家领先的To B专业服务行业(专业咨询&企业服务)整合营销服务机构,我们深耕于专业服务行业,专注在营销科技,内容创新和平台建设。
对于To B端的专业服务行业营销者,赋能企业可持续增长。我们通过私域营销数字化平台、IP网蓝合作、私享会CXO定邀终端获客等服务解决符合这个行业特点的营销技术平台标准化、渠道资源稀缺以及高客单价拓客难等问题。
对于To C端职场KOL的个人专业知识对接部分,通过IP网蓝平台(更高效的匹配个人独特IP和企业端需求,并通过数字化技术支持知识变现和IP私域建设 (网蓝课栈,IP网蓝加速器,iSupport数字化全栈平台等)。一起打造新时代的专业IP和企业的连接新模式,创造更多可持续社会价值 – “让隔行不隔山”是我们的愿景。
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