We are thrilled that Jack Wang, Marketing Director of F5 China and a distinguished speaker at our Annual B2B Marketing Chief Congress, has been named one of Asia-Pacific’s 50 most influential and purposeful marketers by Campaign Asia, earning a spot in the Asia-Pacific Power List 2024. We are also delighted that the Annual B2B Marketing Chief Congress held by ConsignIndex, cited by Campaign Asia as China's largest B2B marketing conference, serves as a testament to Jack Wang's significant influence in the B2B marketing field.(https://www.campaignasia.com/article/asia-pacific-power-list-2024-jack-wang-f5/495981)
我们很高兴跨盈年度B2B营销高管峰会(Annual B2B Marketing Chief Congress)优秀演讲嘉宾,F5 中国区市场营销总监 Jack Wang 王学军先生被 Campaign Asia 评选为亚太区最具影响力的 50 位营销人员之一,成功入选 2024 Power List。同时也很高兴跨盈年度B2B营销高管峰会(Annual B2B Marketing Chief Congress)被Campaign Asia引用提及为中国最大的B2B营销会议作为Jack Wang先生在B2B营销领域影响力的证明。
Jack Wang, the only B2B brand marketer from China to be recognized on this list, has achieved exceptional accomplishments in the field of marketing. This recognition also highlights the significant contributions of ConsignIndex’s Annual B2B Marketing Chief Congress, held every January, in helping B2B CMOs enhance their influence and foster the exchange and development of B2B marketing.
Jack Wang作为该榜单中国地区唯一入选的 B2B 品牌营销者,这一殊荣不仅彰显了他在市场营销领域的卓越成就,也突显了ConsignIndex 每年一月举办Annual B2B Marketing Chief Congress 年度B2B营销高管峰会帮助B2B CMO提高影响力,推动B2B营销领域交流发展的重大贡献。
Annual B2B Marketing Chief Congress
The ConsignIndex Annual B2B Marketing Chief Congress, hosted by Global ConsignIndex, is a flagship summit that has been held since 2011. Each year, ConsignIndex brings together over 70 B2B marketing thought leaders as speakers and 400 attendees to create the most inspiring exchange platform. This annual grand event, held every January, spans three days and delivers the latest marketing trends and best practices, covering B2B marketing, communication, branding, public relations, and more. The CC series summits continue to focus on addressing pain points in the B2B marketing industry, driving sustainable growth, helping B2B CMOs gain business insights, expand business networks, and explore market-driven business growth to enhance their influence and achieve personal development.
跨盈年度B2B营销高管系列峰会是由Global ConsignIndex跨盈指数举办的品牌峰会。从2011起,跨盈指数每年携手超过70位B2B营销意见领袖演讲嘉宾和400位参会者共同打造最具启发性的交流平台。作为年度饕餮盛会,跨盈世界B2B营销高管峰会每年1月如期而至,历时3天为营销者带来最前沿的营销趋势与最佳实践,涵盖B2B营销、传播、品牌、公共关系等全方位内容。CC系列峰会持续专注于B2B行业营销领域痛点,推动B2B营销持续发展,帮助B2B CMO收获商业洞察,拓展商务社交,探索B2B市场驱动业务和提高影响力实现自身发展。
Our annual summit also provides B2B marketers with a valuable opportunity to learn from and draw inspiration from the success stories of industry leaders. Jack Wang, a standout figure in the industry, has frequently shared his unique insights and success stories at our summits. His experience and wisdom have not only brought immense success to F5 but also set a benchmark for the entire B2B marketing sector.
同时,我们的年度峰会为 B2B 营销者提供了一个宝贵的机会,学习和借鉴行业领袖的成功经验。Jack Wang 作为行业内的佼佼者,曾多次在我们的峰会上分享他的独到见解和成功案例。他的经验和智慧不仅为 F5 带来了巨大的成功,也为整个 B2B 营销行业树立了榜样。
CC2016 - CC2024 Jack Wang's Speech
NeoMindSet - New strategies for tapping into customer purchasing power
客户新智 – 挖掘客户购买力的新策略
From the perspective of customer mindset, the idea that you must first establish a strong brand before making sales is extremely dangerous. In reality, sales come first, which then builds the brand, not the other way around.
After 3 years of reflection on the epidemic, where is the way out for B2B marketers?
“Marketing identifies unfulfilled needs and desires. It defines, measures and quantifies the size of the identified market and the profit potential.”——- Philip Kotler
How can localization strategy help you succeed?
"Arrogance is the greatest enemy of marketers." Among many examples, integrated marketing communication has been completely misused as One Voice. Jack Wang believes that blindly adopting "global strategies" is the root cause of failures in localized markets, and the misuse of "marketing theory" is the reason for "our" failures.
“傲慢是市场人最大的天敌”。在举的众多案例中,整合行销传播被彻底的误用为One Voice。Jack Wang 认为,无脑买入的“全球化策略”是本地化市场失败的根源;滥用的“市场营销学”理论是导致“我们”失败的根源。
How can B2B enterprises survive and enhance their anti-riskability under COVlD-19?
"Through time, see the essence, understand oneself, and achieve mutual success." Jack Wang, drawing on Bei Dao's work "The Rose of Time," explores the essence of B2B marketing and the value of B2B marketers in the face of the pandemic, economic downturns, and sales pressures. What should we truly persist in?
Challenging and Revolution of B2B marketing in “Great Convergence!”
From the current perspective, B2B marketing is a cost center, not a profit center. Marketers need to find a new balance between identifying valuable business opportunities and building the company’s brand. Brand value holds an irreplaceable position and role in B2B marketing. Without exception, strong brands are always major players in marketing investments!
The 4 Myths of B2B MKT and Essential of Marketing
Key points in B2B social media marketing
Click to Review CC2016
Jack Wang 王学军
Jack Wang started his early-career journey with the Star-Dell division at Star China in the 1990s. He then transitioned to roles at IBM, Microsoft, and NDS, a company later acquired by Cisco. In 2011, Wang came onboard at F5 as a marketing manager. By 2018, he had climbed the ranks to become the marketing director, taking over the helm of the marketing team in China.Jack Wang 的职业生涯早期在1990年代的Star China的Star-Dell部门开始,随后他在IBM、Microsoft和NDS(后来被Cisco收购)担任职务。2011年,他加入F5担任营销经理。到2018年,他晋升为营销总监,接管了中国的营销团队。
As marketing head of F5, a US-based brand providing multi-cloud application services in China, Jack Wang has doubled down on market expansion, leveraging clever marketing to fuel F5 China’s billion-dollar sales over the course of 14 years at the company.
作为F5的营销负责人,Jack Wang为一家在中国提供多云应用服务的美国品牌,在公司工作14年期间通过巧妙的营销推动了F5中国实现数十亿美元的销售。
In his tenure, Wang has prioritised the digital transformation of F5 China’s marketing team. He spearheaded the transformation of digital marketing efforts and created a digital marketing platform, integrating marketing and sales. In 2024, he is planning to organise more than 40 digital marketing events for the brand.在任期内,他优先推动了F5中国营销团队的数字化转型。他领导了数字营销工作的转型,创建了一个整合营销和销售的数字营销平台。2024年,他计划为品牌组织超过40场数字营销活动。
F5’s strong brand presence in China is owed to Wang’s development of brand identity that not only reflects a positive image, but also resonates with the brand’s target audience and customers. F5在中国的强大品牌影响力归功于Jack Wang发展了品牌识别度,不仅反映了积极的形象,还与品牌的目标受众和客户产生了共鸣。
One strategy he embraced was advancing corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives. The brand has been actively participating in philanthropic endeavours such as giving back to the community, and supporting a certified NGO for the visually impaired as part of cultural awareness initiatives for the past 14 years.他采用的一项策略是推进企业社会责任(CSR)计划。品牌在过去14年中积极参与慈善活动,例如回馈社区,并支持一个经过认证的视障人士非政府组织作为文化意识计划的一部分。
As an influential corporate marketer, Wang has gained a solid reputation in the Chinese marketing industry. For the brand, through his efforts, Wang attracted more than 3,000 online attendees at F5’s China Digital Marketing Agility Online Forum, which generated direct sales benefits. Beyond his work for the company, he is often invited as a guest speaker at industry events, including ConsignIndex, the largest B2B marketing summit in China, where he has been a frequent presenter since 2016. 作为有影响力的企业营销人员,Jack Wang在中国营销领域中赢得了稳固的声誉。通过他的努力,吸引了超过3000名线上参与者参加F5中国数字营销敏捷线上峰会,产生了直接的销售效益。除了为公司工作之外,他经常受邀作为行业活动的特邀演讲嘉宾,包括中国最大的B2B营销峰会ConsignIndex,自2016年以来他一直是该活动的常驻演讲者。
Looking Ahead
Collaborating for Future 携手共进,共创未来
We believe that through the continuous efforts of the ConsignIndex platform and our annual summit, more B2B marketing professionals will benefit from the experiences and insights of industry leaders, collectively driving progress and innovation in the industry.
我们相信,通过 ConsignIndex 平台和年度峰会的持续努力,更多的 B2B 营销专业人士将受益于行业领袖的经验与见解,共同推进行业的进步与创新。
Jack Wang’s success story inspires us to keep moving forward, committed to providing B2B marketers with better platforms for exchange and development.
Once again, congratulations to Jack Wang for his recognition in the Campaign Asia-Pacific 2024 Power List. We look forward to hearing more of his wisdom and insights at our future Annual B2B Marketing Chief Congresses.
Jack Wang 的成功故事激励着我们继续前行,致力于为 B2B 营销者提供更好的交流与发展平台。再次祝贺 Jack Wang 荣登 Campaign Asia 2024 Power List,并期待在未来的年度 B2B 营销高管峰会上继续聆听他的智慧与见解。
扫码下载Jack 精彩演讲分享
About Campaign Asia
Campaign Asia-Pacific began as Media magazine, launched in the early 1970s to report on an emerging media and marketing industry in Asia-Pacific.Campaign Asia-Pacific's editorial focus investigates the ideas, work and personalities shaping the marketing communications and events industry. We dive deeper into the most important subjects and presents the most compelling, brave and game-changing work from across the globe. We believe in provocative, open and honest dialogue, and aim to educate and inspire our community.
CAMPAIGN杂志成立于1974年,已成为全球权威垂直媒体,拥有亚太、印度、中东、日本、美国、英国、中国多个刊物版本。CAMPAIGN ASIA-PACIFIC为亚太区市场的营销、传播、商业创意行业提供讯息和见解的同时,也更具智慧更深入地探讨重要主题。这些报道工作对于在亚洲发展迅速的整合营销世界不但意义重大、激动人心,也将中国广告史上所有浓墨重彩都记录下来。本刊致力为营销精英服务,通过多个接触点(包括线上和线下)帮助各企业思考如何重塑品牌体验,将整个行业推向新的高潮。
About Global ConsignIndex
Founded in 2011, Global ConsignIndex is dedicated in To B professional service (professional advisory and enterprise service) industry by contributing to marketing technology, content innovation and platform construction. We empower professional service marketers to build an agile marketing-driven organization.
As for To B professional service marketers, we work together to keep the sustainable growth of enterprise business. The featured services include digital marketing platform, IP marketing solution, private event CXO recruitment by dealing with the standardization of marketing technology, marketing resources and channels diversification to shorten the selling cycle for big deals.
And for To C business executive individuals, the IP platform (ip.contentour.com) is used to mapping individual professional IP and enterprise demands by various marketing technology enablement to realize the knowledge economics and IP private cell construction (IP course-online, IP Accelerator and etc) We are dedicated to build a new generation of business connections by contributing more to the continuous social business value – “to let no world apart” is the ultimate mission.
跨盈指数(上海跨盈信息技术有限公司)成立于2011年,是一家领先的To B专业服务行业(专业咨询&企业服务)整合营销服务机构,我们深耕于专业服务行业,专注在营销科技,内容创新和平台建设。
对于To B端的专业服务行业营销者,赋能企业可持续增长。我们通过私域营销数字化平台、IP网蓝合作、私享会CXO定邀终端获客等服务解决符合这个行业特点的营销技术平台标准化、渠道资源稀缺以及是高客单价拓客难等问题。
对于To C端职场KOL的个人专业知识对接部分,通过IP网蓝平台(ip.contentour.com)更高效的匹配个人独特IP和企业端需求,并通过数字化技术支持知识变现和IP私域建设 (网蓝课栈,IP网蓝加速器,iSupport数字化全栈平台等)。一起打造新时代的专业IP和企业的连接新模式,创造更多可持续社会价值 – “让隔行不隔山”是我们的愿景。
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