2nd Professional Service Marketing Asia Roundtable 2023 - Localized ABM Strategy Under New Marketing Dynamics concluded successfully on September 27th in Singapore.
As the integrated marketing solution provider for To B professional service (professional advisory and enterprise service) industry , our firm has been dedicated to the industry for eleven years. Compared with other B2B industries, PSM is quite different. 80% of our clients are from MNCs. It is also impressive that the majority of marketers are interested in understanding localized marketing campaigns, how WeChat is for leads generation and marketing automation process, how IP marketing takes place in B2B, how ABM strategy works in China. China is different, but China is important.
作为To B专业服务行业(专业咨询&企业服务)整合营销服务机构,我们公司致力于该行业已有12年。与其他B2B行业相比,专业服务行业有很大不同。跨盈80%的客户来自跨国公司,大多数区域营销者或者亚太营销负责人都对如何在中国开展本土化营销活动非常感兴趣,包括如何基于微信进行潜在客户挖掘和实现营销自动化流程,IP营销如何在B2B行业复刻以及如何在中国落地ABM战略。中国不同,但中国很重要!
We invited over 20 regional senior marketers from different professional service industries: executive search, management consulting, IT , legal, supply chain, fintech companies.
Gordon Tsu shared 3 points about how ABM works in domestic market:
- Build private cell with SCRM and marketing automation process based on WeChat
- Target traffic attribution with multi-channel
- Use IP as influencer marketing source to leverage market
1. 搭建基于微信的SCRM和营销自动化流程
2. 从公域到私域的多渠道引流
3. 利用IP网蓝营销资源等相关内容营销、渠道营销等撬动市场进行育客
During the panel discussion, Gordon with three marketing leaders deeply discussed on the challenges and solutions in China digital marketing. The marketers care about how to reach the right audience and how to integrate with global strategy.
Looking forward to the next event. Hope you join us!
跨盈指数(上海跨盈信息技术有限公司)成立于2011年,是一家领先的To B专业服务行业(专业咨询&企业服务)整合营销服务机构,我们深耕于专业服务行业,专注在营销科技,内容创新和平台建设。
对于To B端的专业服务行业营销者,赋能企业可持续增长。我们通过私域营销数字化平台、IP网蓝合作、私享会CXO定邀终端获客等服务解决符合这个行业特点的营销技术平台标准化、渠道资源稀缺以及高客单价拓客难等问题。
对于To C端职场KOL的个人专业知识对接部分,通过IP网蓝平台(ip.contentour.com)更高效的匹配个人独特IP和企业端需求,并通过数字化技术支持知识变现和IP私域建设 (网蓝课栈,IP网蓝加速器,iSupport数字化全栈平台等)。一起打造新时代的专业IP和企业的连接新模式,创造更多可持续社会价值 – “让隔行不隔山”是我们的愿景。
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